CISCO router configuration command details and examples

      CISCO router configuration command details and examples

CISCO router configuration command details and examples

Router configuration
Basic settings
In General, the router can be set in 5 ways:
1. Console port terminal or PC running Terminal emulation software;
2. AUX port MODEM, through telephone lines and the distance of a terminal or PC running Terminal emulation software, is connected;
3. Through the TFTP server on the Ethernet;
4. Through the TELNET program on the Ethernet;
5. Through Ethernet SNMP network management workstation.
Router settings must be for the first time in a first way, Terminal hardware settings are as follows:
Baud rate: 9600
Data bits: 8
Stop bit: 1
Parity: none
Second, order status
1. Router>
The router in user command, then the user can see the router connection status, access to other network and host, but you cannot see and change your router's settings.
2. Router#
Router> prompt, type enable, the router access to privileged commands router#, then not only can perform all user commands, you can see and change your router's settings.
3. Router (confer) #
Router# prompt, type configure Terminal, prompted router (confer) #, at this point in the global settings of the router, then you can set up the global parameters of the router.
4. Router (confer-if) #; router (confer-line) #; router (confer-router) #;
Router in the local settings, you can set up the router to a local parameter.
5. >
Router is in an RXBOOT State, within 60 seconds of the power of press CTRL-break to enter this State, the router unable to complete normal function, only a software upgrade, and Manual Guide.
Settings dialog
This is a new router boot automatically when entering the State, in the privileged commands using the SETUP command can also be entered in this State, you can set up the router through dialogue.

Three, setting up dialogue

Display a message
Global parameter settings
Interface parameter settings
Display the results
Using the settings dialog procedure to avoid the cumbersome manual input command, but it cannot completely replace manual settings, some special settings must also be completed by way of manual input.
After entering the settings dialogue process, the router first appears a few tips:
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Default settings are in square brackets '[]'.
Router will then ask whether to enter settings dialog:
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [Yes]:
If you press y or enter, the router enters Setup dialog. First of all, you can see the current state of the port:
First, would you like to see the current interface summaries? [Yes]:
Any interface listed with OK? Value "NO” Method Status Protocol
Ethernet0 unassigned NO unset.
The router then began a global parameter setting:
Configuring global parameters:
1. Set router name:
Enter host name [Router]:
2. Set into the privileged status of ciphered (secret), the reduction setting will not be displayed in clear text:
The enable secret is a one-way cryptographic secret used secret: cisco.
3. Sets the password to enter privileged status (password), this password will only work when there are no encrypted, and after the set will be displayed in clear text:
The enable password is used when there are no images.
Enter enable password: pass
4. Setting up virtual terminal password to access:
Enter virtual terminal password: cisco
5. Asks whether you want to set up the router supports.
Configure DEC net? [No]:
Configure AppleTalk? [No]:
Configure [Yes]:
6. If you are configuring dial-up access servers, the system will set the parameters of the asynchronous:
Configure Sync lines? [Yes]:
1) Set the maximum speed of the line:
Syncline speed [9600]:
2) Whether to use hardware flow control:
Configure for HW flow control? [Yes]:
3) Set the modem:
Configure for modems? [Yes/no]: yes
4) Whether to use the default modem commands:
Configure for default chats crypt? [Yes]:
5) Asynchronous PPP parameter is set:
Configure for Dial-in IP SLIP/PPP access? [No]: yes
8) Use TCP header compression:
Configure for TCP Header Compression? [Yes]:
9) Whether routing table updates are asynchronous:
Configure for routing updates on sync links? [No]: y
10) Whether other protocols on an asynchronous port is set.
Next, the system will set parameters for each interface.
1. Configuring interface Ethernet0:
1) Is using this interface:
Is this interface in use? [Yes]:
2) Sets the IP parameters for this interface:
Configure IP on this interface? [Yes]:
3) Sets the interface's IP address:
IP address for this interface:
4) Setting the IP subnet mask of the interface:
Number of bits in subnet field [0]:
Class C network is, 0 subnet bits; mask is /24
Once you have set all parameters of the interface, the system will set the whole dialogue.
Behind the display is garbled, and enable password setting is displayed behind the content.
After the show ended, the system will ask whether this setting is used:
Use this configuration? [Yes/no]: yes
If the answer is yes, the system will result in the router's NVRAM settings, and then set the end process of dialogue, the router begins to work properly.
Four frequently used commands
1. Help
IOS operation, regardless of any State and location, you can type "?”Help by the system.
2. Change order status
Task commands
Access to privileged commands enable
Exit the privileged commands disable
Enter settings dialog Setup
Enter global confer Terminal
Exit the global state end
Enter the port setting interface type slot/number
Enter the port setting
Enter the line sets the line type slot/number
Enter the Routing Setup Router Protocol
Exit the set local State exit
3. Show commands
Task commands
View the version and boot info show version
See set show running-confer
View the boot settings Show startup-confer
The port information displays
4. Copy command
For IOS CONFIG backups and upgrades
5. Network command
Task commands
Log on to the remote hosts Telnet hostname| IP address
Network reconnaissance ping hostname| IP address
Traceroute trace hostname| IP address

6. Basic commands
Task commands
Global confer Terminal
Set access username user and password
Set up privileged password, enable secret password
Sets the hostname of the router name
Setting up static routing IP route destination subnet mask next-hop
Start IP Routing IP routing
Start the IPX Routing IPX routing
Port interface type slot/number

CISCO router configuration command details and examples CISCO router configuration command details and examples Reviewed by Unknown on 1:58 AM Rating: 5
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